[rescue] Have: SGI L/XL/Onyx spares, want Atari Mega

Robert Darlington rdarlington at gmail.com
Mon May 11 09:34:04 CDT 2009

It seems that no matter what combo I use, I still get pin striping.  Any 1
or 2 boards and its fine.  Add in 2 more and its unusable, although hinv
output shows 4 (at least from what I remember, haven't turned the thing on
in a few years).

If anybody is in the Santa Fe, NM area and wants some sgi hardware, please
give me a shout.


On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 12:45 AM, r.stricklin <bear at typewritten.org> wrote:

> On May 10, 2009, at 7:16 PM, Robert Darlington wrote:
>  That's the one.  I managed to pick up several RM4 boards and a 4 port
>> front
>> plane connector for them, but I get vertical pinstriping if more than 2
>> are
>> installed.  Any ideas about that one?  RE2 boardset.  Actually 2 if you
>> count the one in storage plus all the other RM4's.
> Possible RM configurations are 1, 2, or 4 boards. The deskside chassis
> technically only supports up to two boards.
> I suppose one may be an RM4T---one is required to terminate the RE in the
> Crimson chassis, but not necessary in an Onyx. I haven't tried this to know
> what happens when you put an RM4T in an Onyx, but it's possible that it
> could result in pinstriping.
> But yes, they are prone to this particular failure mode. Can you track it
> down to one board in particular?
> ok
> bear
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