[rescue] Airport Security and Rescues...

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu Mar 27 16:56:45 CDT 2008

Timothy Baldridge wrote:
>> Don't get me started on the Crusades.  The Crusades were a Christian
>> Jihad.  What your suggesting would evaporate any moral high-ground for
>> the Western countries.  There would be no difference between the Western
>> countries and Iran.  You can't attack from a moral high-ground by
>> standing in the gutter.
>> But what I think we as a nation neglect to remember is that there are
> degrees of every religion.
> But let's not forget that not everyone back in that day was Catholic.
> There are some (like myself) that consider the Roman Catholic church
> to be a despicable cult, and yet hold on dearly to the teachings of
> Christ and the Bible. I agree the actions of the RC church are
> unacceptable, and as a protestant, their actions during the Huguenot
> wars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Bartholomew%27s_Day_massacre)
> are totally offensive, and mark the church as being one of the biggest
> cults ever in existence. But, let's not lump them in with the
> Christians. Their actions violated scripture and hence invalidated
> their claim to being called "Followers of Christ"
> To some extent I think there are degrees of Muslims as well. There are
> some extremely peaceful Muslims, and their are violent Muslims.
> Everyone is different. There are some Catholics who would love nothing
> better than to rule the world, and some just want to "find the truth".
> So anyway, I know this is OT, I just get irritated when people try to
> lump the rest of us Christians in with the heretic organization that
> is known as the "Holy Roman Empire".

But, then which Bible do you follow?  One that was influenced in any way 
by the Councils of Carthage in the fourth and fifth centuries?  The 
councils where early synods of the Catholic Church decided which Gospel 
was Canon and which wasn't?

Come on.  I certainly believe in a very different religious philosophy 
from an Iyer follower of Shankaracharya, but I won't deny that both of 
us are Hindu.

Peace...  Sridhar

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