[rescue] Mainframe on eBay

Linc Fessenden linc at thelinuxlink.net
Sat Sep 17 11:56:58 CDT 2005

Peter wrote:
> r.stricklin <bear at typewritten.org> wrote:
>>[...] I wish to GOD IBM would put some of their AIX white-shirts on
>>the task of cleaning up after the herd of circus elephants that are
>>responsible for "developing" Linux. Linux is borderline
>>unmaintainable... and some days it's not clear exactly which side of
>>the borderline it tends toward. But that's a whole other rant for a
>>whole other time.
> FWIW, I herd Debian boxes at work, and apt-get dist-upgrade is fairly
> low-maintenance as security-patching goes. We have our own apt
> repository of packages for local customisations and replacements for
> Debian-provided packages that we consider broken. The 30 seconds I
> spend each day running my script to update and patch the servers en
> masse sure beats faffing around with each individual box.
> The legacy Slackware and Red Hat boxes are a right PITA though, and
> definitely on the wrong side of that border.
> I'll be trying out Ubuntu on my shiny new x86-64 box this weekend and
> will report back if anybody cares.

Slackware is an absolute breeze to maintain.  In fact, it usually just 
doesn't need to be touched once installed.  I have several slackware 
boxen which have been running for years without a patch or upgrade let 
alone a reboot.  However, if you're so inclined, you can use swaret, 
which is a slackware equiv to apt-get (pretty close anyway).  RedHat I 
got really dissapointed with after 6 and really haven't used it, but 
Ubuntu is really nice.

-Linc Fessenden

In the Beginning there was nothing, which exploded - Yeah right...

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