[rescue] Do you remember when? Security software.....

Francisco Javier Mesa-Martinez lefa at ucsc.edu
Fri Aug 15 21:53:09 CDT 2003

On Fri, 15 Aug 2003, N. Miller wrote:

> On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 17:12:15 -0700 (PDT), "Francisco Javier
> Mesa-Martinez" <lefa at ucsc.edu> said:
> > If you are in the Bay area, I don't know how it works for non UC students
> > but you can try to access UCB's library and from there you have a jump
> > station into melvil (sp), I have found the UC system interlibrary system
> > to be fantastic. I am sure there may be no other library system out there
> > with the breadth and depth than UC's libraries. So maybe Kalifornia
> > doesn't suck that much ;) (still my favorite state after living half of
> > my life in this country)
> Inter-library loan is always your friend.  Basically, if it shows up in
> you can have it sent to you from pretty much anywhere in the country.
> But that's not really useful for journals and such-like that have high
> usage amongst your fellow students, unless you are a *really* good
> planner.

Melvil is a bit different, you get access to whichever obscure journal and
normally you get a copy of whatever article you requested, pretty nifty.

Obviously you have to be a good planner, but that is the price to pay for
the amazing resources you get.

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