[rescue] Ultra 5

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Fri Aug 8 16:38:47 CDT 2003

On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Frank Van Damme wrote:

> I finally got myself some decent Sun workstation. The beauty/beast in question
> has a 270 MHz ultrasparc 2 cpu, 128 megabytes ram and a 4.3 gig disk.

Yay!  Those are neat little sun4u starter systems.  You'll have a lot of
fun with it.

> But, an ultra5 has IDE... so I could just put in a cdrom drive I've been using
> in a pc for some years now.


> Before I whack it in. Is there anything be cautious for?


> Is it just a matter of plugging in a Standard Ide Cable (got meters of
> those) and plonking in a cdrom drive?


> I guess I'd just jumper the thing to master and try "boot cdrom".


> Or are there still incompatibilities with certain PC cdromdrive models?

Perhaps, but every one I've tried has worked just fine.

> I'd rather not smoke the Sun.

You'd find a hard time finding Zig-Zags big enough for that. :)

Jonathan Patschke   )  "We're Texans.  We figure out ways to do these
Elgin, TX          (    things..."                    --Bill Bradford

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