[rescue] Ultra 5

Frank Van Damme frank.vandamme at student.kuleuven.ac.be
Fri Aug 8 16:11:48 CDT 2003


I finally got myself some decent Sun workstation. The beauty/beast in question
has a 270 MHz ultrasparc 2 cpu, 128 megabytes ram and a 4.3 gig disk. And, it
appears to be running an old SunOS version which stops booting after starting
some system services (ypbind etc). So I thought about installing Solaris 9
(educational license - it's good to be a student). There seem to be 2 means
to install Solaris for a single system - from cdrom or dvd or from the
network. Network installation supposes an allready-installed Solaris system
as far as I can judge from docs.sun.org - the other option being cdrom
installation, there's the problem the thing doesn't have a cdrom drive.

But, an ultra5 has IDE... so I could just put in a cdrom drive I've been using
in a pc for some years now. Before I whack it in. Is there anything be
cautious for? Is it just a matter of plugging in a Standard Ide Cable (got
meters of those) and plonking in a cdrom drive? I guess I'd just jumper the
thing to master and try "boot cdrom". Or are there still incompatibilities
with certain PC cdromdrive models? I'd rather not smoke the Sun.

Frank Van Damme    http://www.openstandaarden.be
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"Je pense, donc je suis breveti."

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