[rescue] Good deal for Ultra 2 Enterprise and SS10?

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 26 08:03:31 CDT 2003

--- Rodito Buan II <rodito at acdlabs.com> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I was given a deal for 2 Sun machines for $150 CND. This might be a
> good rescue!!!
> They are the following:
> 1 x SPARCstation 10, with 64RAM, 500MB HD, 2 external HD 2 gigs each,
> 2 external scsi CD-rom, sound module.

Nothing exciting, but quite useful, assuming a good CPU - if not, $20
and maybe a new OB PROM will have this puppy rocking with an SM71 off
of ebay...
> 1 x Ultra 2 Enterprise, with 200 or 300 MHz? 256 RAM, 4 gigs HD,
> keyboard and optical mouse, 21" Sun Monitor.

A good deal no matter the CPU - if it is a 200 MHz CPU, another can be
gotten for a few $$ on ebay, and then you will see some SNMP-goodness!

The 21" monitor is a great addition, and assuming local pickup, another

Well worth $150 of your canadian "funny money" ;^)

Go for it...


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