[rescue] Osicom Solaris drivers

Paul Hortiatis ph009j at mail.rochester.edu
Sun Apr 20 21:50:12 CDT 2003

I have a few of the Znyx quad cards that i have been unable to get working
under any os but solaris, Have you been able to get them working under
FreeBSD on a sparc machine?


-----Original Message-----
From: rescue-bounces at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-bounces at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Robert Novak
Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2003 10:24 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: [rescue] Osicom Solaris drivers

Hi all,

Does anyone have the Osicom 2300-series Ethernet drivers for Solaris
around? I saw a mention in the archives that Eric Ozrelic might have
found the sol7 ones, wondering if anything newer came out, or if
any other drivers (Znyx?) might work on SPARC Solaris.

They are quad DEC Tulip cards, same as Znyx, but I'm not sure if the
RAINlink stuff from the Znyx driver would cause problems. May end up
trying it anyway, or running FreeBSD on the machine, but I thought I'd
ask. I have a Znyx quad and a couple of Osicom quads around here.


Robert Novak, Indyramp Consulting * rnovak at indyramp.com *
	"I don't want to doubt you, Know everything about you
      I don't want to sit Across the table from you Wishing I could run."

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