[rescue] What job does your SGI do at home?

Claude.W claudew at videotron.ca
Mon Nov 4 23:54:01 CST 2002

Hi all...

I am not a frequent poster here.

I guess I am one of the rare canadians (Quebec) with alot of SGI and SUN
stuff in my private home...lotta other stuff too...

O2, Origin 200, Indy, Indigoes, 4D system...etc....

Since its in my home, you can figure its mostly used just to "play around

Companies are now unwilling to spend 4X normal cost to maintain and service
SGI stuff...I can understand that....so they go to X86 style boxes...

This SGI stuff is quite rare around here in Quebec...I got most of it for
0$...since most of it cant do nothing real "productive" anymore...they are
just rare, neat and curious hardware....

Most was found in universities, surplus places and schools...and was
intercepted before going to thrash bin...some came from US friends in
giveaways...most from inside Canada...

Anyone within canada (or somewhere else)  with non x86 hardware recent or
semi-recent can contact me
for a rescue....or trades...I also have large collection of vintage 8 and 16
bit machines...

These days I'm looking for 72 pin simms 16mb and over with parity, O2 ram
and ram and a
decent CPU for a Sparc 20...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Killingsworth" <tkilling at mindspring.com>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 4:19 PM
Subject: [rescue] What job does your SGI do at home?

> I'm new to the group, and I'm curious about all of the SGI traffic on the
> list.
> Aside from the Ubergeek chic  and cool factor of using the same machines
> that Hollywood uses, what do list-members use their
> Indigo/I2/Octane/O2/Crimsons for?  Web services, visualization, games,
> My wife works for Sun, and normally I work with my PCs or SS10.  I don't
> out much :)
> Are they just neat to play with?  How do you make them earn their keep?
> Todd Killingsworth
> tkilling at mindspring.com
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