[rescue] ss2 under load

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Fri Feb 15 01:32:36 CST 2002

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 12:13:09AM -0500, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> Yeah, but when the load average was under 1 then it was a lot faster.

but it was never under 1 since it had Real Work to do. :)

> That's the problem with all the linux weenies complaining that their
> systems are doggedly slow when the load average gets above 2.  It's not
> really that they're actually doggedly slow -- they're just so
> unaccustomed to the reasonable speed of a machine under the load of more
> than one user that they don't realise everything's normal!  :-) :-) ;-)

that is because they are spoiled by have a machine and all it's resources
dedicated to just them.  i grew up sharing machines with anywhere from 20 to
20,000 other people.  i'm sure you were in the same position too at one time.

> (of course then there were the looser business students that kept
> hogging our PDP 11/60 to do batched WATBOL assignments and the idiots
> would run batch queue check commands in while :; do loops!!!)

business people must die!!


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