[rescue] Why yes, I AM stupid (long)

Bjorn Ramqvist brt at g.haggve.se
Wed Feb 13 23:43:48 CST 2002

Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:
> I finally take out the creator card, and suddenly it works okay.  I look
> at the card.  I bent a goddamned pin.  I get that sinking feeling that I
> fscked myself but good.  I manage (or so I think) to straighten the pin.
> I try reinstalling the card.  No dice.  I pull it back out.  Now, that
> pin is trapped against the back of the connector.
> I slap a TurboGX and get the machine going, but I am PISSED.  Even worse,
> I thought of having a drink before starting, but didn't cause I didn't
> want to screw anything up.  So no good excuses for me.

I know the feeling. A friend of mine certainly knows the feeling, when
he discovered one pin in the mbus-connector of his SM81 just "fell
off"... oh, the horror!

Vdnliga hdlsningar/Best Regards
Bjvrn Ramqvist, Hdgglunds Vehicle AB

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