[rescue] Re: FSCKing OpenBSD!

Big Endian bigendian at mac.com
Wed Feb 13 21:48:00 CST 2002

>If you visit an obscure website called google.com and type in "SMP in
>Freebsd vs SMP in Linux" you will find thousands of hits from both sides
>which agree that Linux SMP for the time being is better. Please note that I
>never once said anything about OpenBSD and NetBSD's SMP because i am not
>very experienced with them.

Ok... I run a network of 40 someodd dual P6 class (ppro or higher) 
machines split evenly between linux and freebsd.  The Freebsd 
machines run CIRCLES around the linux boxen.  Infact the only reason 
we haven't switched completely to freebsd is the fact that our chief 
programmer doesn't trust the freebsd linux compatibility shim.  We 
need the shim because some bozo decided to run all of the oracle 
stuff on linux/intel not solaris/sparc.

>  > Is there any chance that we'll ever eradicate the blind OS flamewars here?
>>  They aren't doing anybody any good, really.
>Neither are people blasting others when they actually aren't sure of the
>facts themselves.

This entire discussion has been about perception.  if you want 
benchmarks/etc go someplace else.  Those kinds of (quasi?)logical 
arguments are shunned here.  Not to mention that benchmarks are 
RARELY a true indication of real world performance.

"Fragile. Do not drop." -- Posted on a Boeing 757.

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