[rescue] Suggestions for a *small form-factor* PC?

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Sun Apr 21 12:04:52 CDT 2002

On April 21, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> >   No FDDI drivers for non-Solaris OS.  NetBSD is about three times
> > faster than Solaris on those machines.
> but that's a completely different issue than saying you can't put FDDI in a
> Classic or an LX.
> you *can* put FDDI in a Classic or an LX.  you just have to use icky solaris to
> do it (which is why my LX doens't have FDDI, cause i'm not about to put Solaris
> on that thing)

  Weenie. ;)

> how's Geoff coming along?  does he need some prodding?

  Not sure...I will ask him the next time I hear from him.


Dave McGuire                                 "Mmmm.  Big."
St. Petersburg, FL                                -Den

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