[SunRescue] XTerm

Dan Lane rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Mar 28 19:38:53 CST 2001

> (guys, please, no more "couldnt you find someone else to marry?" jokes -
>  yeah, we know you're joking, but at this point, 3 days before the
>  wedding, its the last thing we need.....)

You guys seem perfect together... your lucky to have someone who
understands all this and doesn't moan about the big grey boxes taking up
space... but of course, you knew this already, otherwise there wouldn't be
a wedding to organise ;)

*remembers what it was like travelling 11,000 miles to meet his GF for the
first time, and wonders how similar the butterflies are!*

Dan - Uber-sad geek

Bill Bradford sent the following on Wed, 28 Mar 2001...

> On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 07:23:31PM -0500, mike dombrowski wrote:
> > Hello all, anyone got an XTerm for sale? I want one that can use VGA
> > monitor and PS/2 keyboard/mouse. Other than that I don't really care
> > what the other specs are, 24bit color would be _really_ nice but not
> > needed.
> I've got a mono 19" NCD 19R taking up space if someone wants it (for cost
> of packing/shipping) once I get back from the honeymoon.
> (guys, please, no more "couldnt you find someone else to marry?" jokes -
>  yeah, we know you're joking, but at this point, 3 days before the
>  wedding, its the last thing we need.....)
> Bill

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