OT Linux (RE: [rescue] OT: Stuffed Proliant?)

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 26 19:20:31 CST 2001

jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu writes:

>> Ya'd think the VAXstation 8000 would have ended that dispute, but
>> nooooooo....

>Err, I don't believe I know anything about the VAXstation 8000.  Poking around
>I see 3D graphics associated with it, as well as it apparently shipped 
>initially with 4Megs of ram.

High-end VAX (at the time) crammed into a short rack, with a screamin'
E&S graphics board (I believe it was vector).

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
---------------------- "It's something to do." -Cerebus --------------------

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