[rescue] Re: OT Linux

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 21 09:09:32 CST 2001

"Loomis, Rip" wrote:

> Personally, I disagree--but in some cases.  I won't be running
> Linux on our E3000 any time soon, nor do I expect to run it
> on the Quad Xeon's we've got on loan for testing.  On SPARC 10s
> and K6/PII systems, though, I'm using it on production systems
> that are critical but low-usage.

Howzabout the ~4300 servers in our NOC, all running Red Hat summerother?
They're far from low usage (one day I'll forward a traffic stats report
to the list), and quite essential to the business. Mostly P-II and
-III's, and about half hardware RAIDs. Running like a champ. I dunno if
I'd want to use it for heavy-duty stuff like Mr. McG hints at (a P-III's
not a Cray anyway), but for web/mail/ftp and the like, it's Quite Ready
for Prime Time.


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