[rescue] OT [FWD LOCAL: Time Cube debate at MIT]]

Patrick Giagnocavo rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 4 17:02:19 CST 2001

Andrew Weiss wrote:
> On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > Its like a religous rant, without the "God" and "Salvation"! 8-)
> >
> > Bill (funny site of the day: www.chick.com)
> It hurt my head to read... it was almost utter gibberish
> You chick tracts site was interesting... I started to wonder about some of
> the research being done for a few of the stories like the Islam
> one...(only read like two out of curiosity's sake)  until I read something
> about how they claimed AIDS can pass through a condom because of its
> size... well that would be a pretty low grade condom since anything
> airtight would not pass something that is 100's of times larger than a CO2
> molecule.  eesh

Actually it's funny that of all the things you could criticize Jack
Chick's stuff for, you hit on the things that are actually accurate. I
would have thought that blaming the Catholics for the rise of Communism
and Hitler (under which millions of Polish Catholics died for one) would
have jumped out at you.

AIDS is often prevented by condom use, but it is not 100% effective. 
There are voids in the material in some cases; and they do fail a
certain percentage of the time. 

In fact, one of the lesser-known Clinton scandals is that as governor of
Arkansas, his Health Dept (run by Jocelyn Elders) allowed
poorly-manufactured condoms (sold of course, by a politically connected
Democrat donor) to be distributed even though they -knew- they were

Islam's history is in fact based on the worship of the moon god, not the
Allah that Muslims claim to be the same as the one God that Jews and
Christians worship.  

Mohammed joined with the tribe that was the most powerful and justified
his actions by writing it down in a book as precepts to be followed -
including the "dhimmi" which is a tax that non-Muslims have to pay when
under Muslim rule.  

A lot of what the Muslim imams and even President Bush is saying about
Muslim's respect for other religions is just pure unadulterated
bee-ess.  Don't take my word for it - go read the Koran online.

ObSun:  chick tracts are easy to read on a 20" Sun Trinitron monitor...

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