[rescue] Re: geek vehicles

Dave McGuire rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 27 04:33:49 CDT 2001

On August 27, Chad Fernandez wrote:
> Dave your below statements are totally false ideas regarding the
> "church".

  *sigh*   I wasn't making it up, Chad.  Based on your comments below,
I'm willing to bet (and accept, and hope) that my statements are false
regarding YOUR church.

  The stuff that I said is paraphrased, accurately, from stuff said to
me by [I'm somewhat embarrassed to say] my father.  YCMV. [your church
may vary] See below.

> Sex isn't bad, what is bad is sex outside of marriage.  God created sex
> for married couple only.
> Anything remotely enjoyable would have to be looked at on a case by case
> basis, as remotely enjoyable is a very broad category.  The reproduction
> deal isn't true either, the Bible doesn't say only for making babies
> :-)  God, made us, he know we like it :-)  

  Let's see.  I'm going to burn in hell because I like german sports
cars, I'm going to burn in hell because I listen to rock music, I'm
going to burn in hell because I banged my first girlfriend using birth
control when we were 17 and unmarried, and I'm going to burn in hell
because I like making and spending money.

  These things were REALLY SAID TO ME.  No shit.  YOUR church may not be
ridiculous (and if it isn't, I applaud you!)...but some peoples' are.

> As someone else said, I think it was Josh, I have heard that over
> population isn't quite true.  I haven't done any looking into it,
> However.

  Have you ever driven in the DC metro area during the day?

> I'm not Catholic, but protestant, Assemblies of God, to be precise.

  Technically I'm protestant as well.  Believing, but not practicing.
My father, on the other hand, is a Born Again Christian...twice as
much of a pain the second time around.

  Again, no offense is intended to any listmembers of any religious
bent.  ANYTHING can be abused and taken to extremes...what I'm
describing (and complaining about) is a case of abuse and extremism.


Dave McGuire
Laurel, MD

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