[rescue] FREE STUFF in Austin, TX

Fogg, James rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 21 08:47:13 CDT 2001

> My girlfriend is now introduced to the idea that a dedicated 
> machine room
> might be considered a nescesity in any modern home.  Well, at 
> least as far
> as I'm concerned.  
With some of the stuff we run you should consider weight. These things are
heavy (even a stack of sparcstations can add up to a lot). The dead load in
an average room should not be above 1000 pounds for most construction.

I keep stuff in the cellar. If I didn't have a machine-friendly cellar
(dry), I would choose a first floor room and add a few lally columns and
beams in the cellar under the room (this is what I did for my 3 ton hot

I would not want to be reincarnated as a sill plate or joist in Dave's

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