[SunRescue] I could run a small country...

Bill Bradford rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Dec 24 00:15:00 CST 2000

On Sun, Dec 24, 2000 at 12:59:17AM -0500, dave at cca.org wrote:
> kurthuhn at k-huhn.com writes:
> >Grrrrr.  SunHELP also has a guy with a PT Cruiser - which is anything
> >but wimp-ass!!  I've never been embarressed pulling onto the highway,
> >and I can manuever around town on narrow streets to boot!  The
> >Cruiser was built for car people, not truck people I suppose.  But
> >even truck people can appreciate it and love it (I consider myself a
> >non-practicing truck person).
> A friend of mine is a mechanic for the "Army of Darkness" motorcycle
> racing team (I think they're US champions for the "midweight superbike"
> class for last year.) and he uses linux, but I've been pushing BSD
> on him...

Question, anybody mind if we leave the random banter here, or should I
create another list for it? 8-)  Personally, I dont care WHAT we talk
about on the rescue-list....


Bill Bradford       |    "Do you expect me to talk?"
mrbill at mrbill.net   |    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
Austin, TX          |        -- "Goldfinger", 1964

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