[geeks] Mac definitions

Phil Stracchino alaric at metrocast.net
Thu Jul 7 13:18:09 CDT 2011

On 07/07/11 14:02, Andrew Jones wrote:
> On 07/07/2011 01:57 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
>> I still do all my real work on Linux.  Windows is strictly GameOS.  I
>> consider it neither secure enough, stable enough, nor powerful enough to
>> rely on for anything else.
> At this point, if it doesn't run in wine, I don't play it.  I can't be 
> arsed to patch, update, and firewall a second operating system or a 
> separate PC for the sake of "GameOS."

But you can be arsed to get WINE working, then dink around with stuff to
make it work in WINE....?  The times I've tried it, it's worked so badly
and so unevenly I decided it just wasn't worth the trouble.

  Phil Stracchino, CDK#2     DoD#299792458     ICBM: 43.5607, -71.355
  alaric at caerllewys.net   alaric at metrocast.net   phil at co.ordinate.org
  Renaissance Man, Unix ronin, Perl hacker, SQL wrangler, Free Stater
                 It's not the years, it's the mileage.

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