[geeks] Mac definitions

Andrew Jones andrew at jones.ec
Thu Jul 7 13:02:32 CDT 2011

On 07/07/2011 01:57 PM, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> I still do all my real work on Linux.  Windows is strictly GameOS.  I
> consider it neither secure enough, stable enough, nor powerful enough to
> rely on for anything else.

At this point, if it doesn't run in wine, I don't play it.  I can't be 
arsed to patch, update, and firewall a second operating system or a 
separate PC for the sake of "GameOS."

My home PC has become much less a source of frustration since making 
that shift, some years ago. I can play my Starcraft II without wasting 
my time on "Microsoft Security Essentials" and "Windows Update" and 
"Windows Advanced Firewall."

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