[geeks] Built my first speaker enclosure

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at gmail.com
Sun May 2 16:35:19 CDT 2010

On May 2, 2010, at 5:08 PM, gsm at mendelson.com wrote:

> The metric I use Al Stewart's "Roads to Moscow". At around 3:18 a  
> bass comes
> in, most systems can't reproduce it. It has to be a CD or some other  
> digital
> means, and LP with a sound that low would have the needle fly out of  
> the groove. :-)

You got a problem w/the brown noise?;^)

A "true" audiphile would never have the turntable on the same  
foundation as the subwoofer... They would either build a "floating"  
listening room to house the subwoofer and speakers OR they would  
isolate the turtable on a floating platform on a bed of special  
"monster" fluid of secret composition that would absord the audio  
energy transmitted from the sound system. ;^)

Of course, a true audiophile also demands the pops, cracks, and other  
noise as "the way it is supposed to be".


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