[geeks] TRON sequel in the works...

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Wed Sep 12 00:30:01 CDT 2007

On Wed, 12 Sep 2007 01:03:14 -0400
Dave Fischer <dave at cca.org> wrote:

> shannon at widomaker.com writes:
> >Actually, it could, because quite a few remakes were well done.
> >However, I do worry a lot about a disaster like the remake of "20K Leagues
> >Under the Sea".
> >What I would like to see in a 20K remake is one that makes it look pretty
> >much exactly the same, but with modern improvements to production, and more
> >detail from the original story.
> >I don't see why they had to change the classic look of the original.
> The original, or the 1954 remake?

Sorry, 1954.

I had forgotten about the earlier one.

shannon           | Work for something because it is good, not just because 
                  | it stands a chance to succeed. 
                  |        -- Vaclav Havel

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