[geeks] Cheap Octocore

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue Oct 23 13:42:01 CDT 2007

On Tue, 23 Oct 2007, Mark wrote:

> Funny, I went through the configurator and couldn't get it any lower
> than $1427 with 8-core and 1GB RAM, 80GB hard drive and jack-all
> else. Another one of Dell's 'the price looks so good how could you
> not, even thought it's actually double that' offers?

Did you go through the "small business" portal?

I got it configured in the $800 range, and I'm honestly tempted.  I
could stick a box like that at a friend's place for some more
high-efficiency crunching.

Jonathan Patschke     )  "So far, 99% of illegal activity has been caused
Elgin, TX            (    by criminals."
USA                   )                                    --David Willis

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