[geeks] windows hacks for MacOS

John Francini francini at mac.com
Wed Oct 10 07:09:46 CDT 2007

For the latter -- check out ASM, by Frank Vercrusse. 

ASM restores the old Mac OS Application menu (the one that used to be 
on the right hand side of the menu bar, which actually contains a 
list of the currently running applications), and, more importantly, 
restores the old Mac OS behavior of having ALL of an application's 
windows come up top when that app is front-most.  ASM calls this 
"Classic Window Mode".

You can even set it to do the old Launcher-style Single Application 
Mode, whereby switching to one app hides all the other apps' windows.

(The lack of such a thing built-in to OS X is another one of my 
dislikes about it, along with the several ways the Finder now breaks 
the spatial metaphor, my disdain for the Dock, and my dislike for the 
brushed-aluminum windowing appearance.  The latter goes away with 
Leopard -- good riddance.)

As for E-mail...  I use a combination.  At home I use Eudora 6.2.4 
for my main e-mail program -- been using it since 1990 or 
thereabouts.  Closest thing I can find to things like DECwindows 
Mail, ZMail, or VMSmail.  At work I use Eudora for corporate E-mail, 
and Mail.app to keep an eye on the home E-mail. (It accesses the 
Mac.com mailbox using IMAP; when I go home I use POP to suck down 
whatever's accumulated on the server.)

I've been investigating the Eudora extensions being added to 
Thunderbird, but until they succeed in making it look exactly like 
Eudora, including completely separate windows for mailbox listings 
and mail message content, I'm sticking where I am.  I despise the 
two- or three-panel "standard" mail interface, copied so much from 
LookOut. I want each mailbox listing in its own separate window, and 
each mail message in another separate window, thank-you-very-much.

John, who's been using Macs since 1987 and System 4.1/Finder 5.5.

At 1:08 -0400 10/10/07, Shannon Hendrix wrote:
>Here is something that would help me a lot, coming from KDE: I want 
>to be able to right click on the title bar of a window to send the 
>window to the bottom of the pile.
>It helps when the screen is cluttered.
>Also, is there any way to tell the app switcher (apple->tab) to move 
>through all windows of an application?  For example, I frequently 
>want to move among terminal sessions, and the app switcher only moves 
>to terminal.  I think have to use a different keystroke to move among 
>terminal windows.
>Is there a configuration so that I can change this behavior?
>Not a big deal, just curious.
>GEEKS:  http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/geeks

John Francini, francini at mac.com

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If you only live for getting to the end, you're almost always disappointed."
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