[geeks] windows hacks for MacOS

N. Miller velociraptor at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 11:16:29 CDT 2007

On Oct 9, 2007, at 10:08 PM, Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> Here is something that would help me a lot, coming from KDE: I want
> to be able to right click on the title bar of a window to send the
> window to the bottom of the pile.
> It helps when the screen is cluttered.

I don't know if there's something to do that.  You can "Hide" an  
application, which sends all it's windows away.  You can configure  
Expose to do various and sundry things.

> Also, is there any way to tell the app switcher (apple->tab) to move
> through all windows of an application?


"Splat" is the old-skool Mac geek term for the Command key.  Some  
folks call it the "curly" key or "cloverleaf" key, too.

> Is there a configuration so that I can change this behavior?

You can pretty much re-map any key you want in System Prefs->Keyboard  
& Mouse->Keyboard Shortcuts.


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