[geeks] Apple software: the stuff you "gotta have"

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Oct 10 00:21:01 CDT 2007

On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Joshua Boyd wrote:

>> 	- zterm: for all of my serial terminal needs, works great so far
> I hate not just using kermit like I usually did on Linux or Irix, but
> I can't seem to get it working nicely on OS X, although at the moment
> I no longer recall the exact problem, so I should probably not say
> anything.

They've only recently (within the last 3 - 4 years) gotten it properly
ported.  The most recent release works as well on OS X 10.3 and later as
it does elsewhere.

Jonathan Patschke     )  "So far, 99% of illegal activity has been caused
Elgin, TX            (    by criminals."
USA                   )                                    --David Willis

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