[geeks] Mensa

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Sat May 12 13:52:57 CDT 2007

James Fogg wrote:
>> It was one part of a battery of tests taken over a 3-5 day
>> period (not sure anymore), and it was an attempt by my
>> parents to get at the root of the "Lionel is not woking up to
>> his potential" mantra from my teachers... THis was back in
>> those golden days when doctors were just "discovering"
>> learning disabilities...
> Hrm... That sounds familiar.
> I hate schools. The students that succeed are good at memorization and
> social/personal relationships. "Smart" has nothing to do with it. A
> college degree means you can do what you are told and get along well
> with everyone.

I'm a fairly personable guy, and I have excellent recall, but I suck at 

They couldn't keep me engaged.  If you're bored enough, you'll fall 
asleep in class.

Being good at memorization doesn't help all that much at school.  In 
about 50% of my classes I would be able to ace the final exams after 
about a week in the class, but I still ended up flunking.

I think it's a travesty that they still make you do homework if you can 
prove you've already learned the subject material.  It's just drudgery.

Peace...  Sridhar

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