[geeks] Let say you wanted a small, small, PC...

Hicheal Morton mh1272 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 5 14:37:50 CDT 2007

The fit-pc runs Linux and Windows XP.
It is advertised for appliance type aplications.
2 USB2.0 ports for expansion: hd, cd/dvd/thumb drive
2 ethernet ports for firewalls, etc.
Green: no fan and 3-5 watts
Designed for 24x365 use
$285 plus shipping

On 8/5/07, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net> wrote:
> >From: Hicheal Morton <mh1272 at gmail.com>
> >Date: 2007/08/05 Sun PM 01:59:37 CDT
> >To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
> >Subject: Re: [geeks] Let say you wanted a small, small, PC...
> >Here is a small pc:
> >it-PC is a PC the size of a paperback and absolutely silent, yet fit
> enough
> >to run Windows XP or Linux. fit-PC is designed to fit where a standard PC
> is
> >too bulky, noisy and power hungry.
> >
> >     http://www.fit-pc.com/index.htm
> >
> >2 Ethernet ports
> >uses 5 watts
> 500 MHz "Geode" CPU, 256 Meg RAM, 40 Gig notebook HD - $285
> Being kind, I think a "geode" CPU would feel like a similarly-clocked P3
> CPU, and the 256 Meg RAM is not expandable, forcing this to be an
> embedded/special-purpose system - the Intel mini-ITX board is very
> expandable, and runs at about 25-35 watts (based on my review of various
> sites, including an HD and 512 Meg RAM).
> Still, for special needs, the fit-PC is a great tool...
> Lionel
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