[geeks] Marijuana Legalization

Hicheal Morton mh1272 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 08:04:19 CDT 2007

>From news reports, the Kennesaw required every householder to own a working
firearm, to be able to use it competently, and to have ammunition.  This was
so that every householder could provide for their own self-defense.

The news articles listed long guns (rifle and shotgunx) as the intended
weapon.  They never said if handguns were okay or not--I would think that
they would be.

Concealed carrying of firearms was not a part of this law.  But pens,
pencils, combs, brushs, knifes, cell phones (brick phone were REAL big [pun
intended] at the time),  and other items were permitted.

The required guns were for use "in" the homes only--not for taking outside
according to news reports.

RESULT: At the end of 10 years, crime than would be deterred by householder
gun possession and use (should the situation warrant) was 10% of what it was
be fore the law was inacted.  While the Kennesaw continued to grow, crime
continued to dwindle.

It is a statistically known (and proven) fact that criminals (in jails) have
a three times greater likelihood of being shoot by a citizen than a law
enforcement officer.  That's why citizen involvement in any activity deters

On 8/3/07, Robert Brooke Gravitt <gravitt at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 3, 2007, at 1:25 AM, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > Eh?  I've never done illegal drugs, ever.
> >
> > I hardly even drink beer.  Maybe a bourbon and Coke once every
> > couple of
> > months.
> >
> > Bill
> I was thinking more along the lines of
> * decriminalization of drugs - Sridhar
> * protection of 2nd amendment - Bradford
> Plus, you've got the NY angle, and the Texas demographic. Pretty
> solid lineup.
> For the record, I'm not a drug user either. But I think the "war on
> drugs" is nothing but a feel-good waste of time. Incarcerating people
> for crimes that are, for the most part, victimless and do not deprive
> others of property, liberty or life- IMHO, is insane. It's cost us
> billions, and drug use hasn't really appreciably dropped. Why not use
> the money to treat the addicts and let the rest do what they want?
> Isn't that what we do for alcoholics? I mean you have locked up all
> the real criminals to be arresting kids smoking weed, right?
> Oh, wait- I live in Atlanta, where they raid adult novelty stores to
> make sure people can't buy dildos. I'm not kidding. You'd better make
> sure people don't get stoned and buy dildos, cause the next step is
> burning down buildings, right?
> Heh.
> What's funny is that on the NW side of the ATL, there's Kennesaw,
> which is a little city that has an ordinance that *requires*
> residents to own a firearm. Crime? Not so much. It's always been a
> talking point here on local radio, with the detractors being hit back
> with: "Would YOU be willing to put up a sign in your yard that says
> 'Gun-free home & proud of it!'   ?"
> I have trouble finding a way to express myself politically-
> Republicans? Like the ideas on lower taxes (well, pre-Bush. crazy
> spender! ) but can't deal with the religious right. Democrats? I'm on
> board with free speech issues and so on, but welfare? taxpayer funded
> healthcare? war on the individual/guns? Get real. Libertarians?  90%
> there, but no good in a fight.
> RepubloDemoTarian?
> --Brooke
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