[geeks] Needed: PC com port adapter, motherboard -> backplate

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Sun Apr 29 13:49:50 CDT 2007

In a fit of angst Charles Shannon Hendrix gargled the following:
> I need one of those doohickeys that connects a motherboard serial port
> to the backplate of a PC, fits in an unused slot opening.
> I've searched for a variety of strings, but keep coming up with
> everything except what I need.
> It's really simple: a 10 (I think) pin connector that plugs into the
> motherboard, a ribbon cable from there to a PC backplate and a DB-9 or
> DB-25 connector that faces outside.
> Yes, I'm the victim of one of those kits that left that part out when I
> got my last motherboard, and yes, I threw my old ones away.

How new is the motherboard?  Can you get it from the manufacturer?

Some of those damn things in the past have been proprietary wired.  If
you've got the pinouts and a soldering iron you might be better off
building your own.

Mike Hebel
See with eyes unclouded, Think with mind uncluttered, Act with heart

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