[geeks] Race Tracks

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Sat Apr 21 13:22:09 CDT 2007

On 20/04/2007, at 17:58, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

>> Lane splitting is not only encouraged, it's quasi-mandatory here.  I
>> was sitting in line at a red light about a year ago and a cop told me
>> to move up to the light.  On highways, the shoulder is a de facto
>> motorcycle lane when traffic is backed up.
> Where do you live that allows that?

Israel.  Traffic is horrible, drivers are arrogant and  
inconsiderate.  Anything you can do to get off the road faster is a  
good thing.  In the picture on this page, you can see a scooter on  
the left shoulder.  http://www.ayalonhw.co.il/template/default.asp? 

> Around here you can always find the riders that do that: they are the
> little stains here and there on I64.



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