[geeks] New Tech Schools: Digital Harbor in Baltimore

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Tue Apr 17 19:54:55 CDT 2007

> Doesn't it get even funnier, in that some school districts won't keep a teacher 
> after their second year if they think they might *not* offer tenure, because 
> sometimes three years plus a Union lawyer can equal three years and one day? :^)
> Lionel

For a while, my district would sent non-tenured teachers a letter at the end of every year that they will not be rehired for the next year.  In late August you get a letter from them telling where you will be assigned.  Soemtimes that letter arrived the first day of school, or the second.

One teacher I knew worked in another district that had a neat trick.  Instead of having five classes, you might get three classes, the following year four, then back to three the third.  The fourth year when your expecting to get tenure, the board would say "Oh no.  A normal teacher has fifteen classes in three years.  You only had ten classes so you only taught two years.  You don't get tenure."  Even if you disagree wih tenure, you still might agree that that sucks.


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