[geeks] Debian 4.0 Bittorrent for DVD

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 19:10:42 CDT 2007

On 4/9/07, Charles Shannon Hendrix <shannon at widomaker.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Apr 2007 10:51:07 -0700
> velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 4/9/07, geeks at litfire.com <geeks at litfire.com> wrote:
> > > Lionel Peterson said:
> > > > I'll have to look into how bittorrent really works - I would have
> > > > thought this was a more popular download, hence more sources, hence
> > > > faster download... I've downloaded 12 Gig, and have only uploaded 944
> > > > Meg so far.
> > >
> > > If you have NAT going on, forward ports 6881-6889 to the box you're
> > > torrenting from to get the best speeds.  If you're doing all the
> > > connecting outbound, you'll find that you go much slower.
> >
> > Assuming a "modern" BT client, you only need one port, and you are
> > better off choosing a high random port in case your ISP blocks BT
> > traffic.  The BT tracker servers should be able to handle any port
> > number.
> You also need a NAT box that can sense the random port and automatically
> create a redirect for it, or respond to something like UPnP requests.
> How do you handle that?
> For example, KBittorrent provides UPnP, but I can't figure out how to make it
> work with my firewall machine.

I have a simple WRT54GS-type firewall, so I just set up a specific
port forwarded for each machine which might be running BT.  When I
said "random" I didn't mean random for each session, just randomly
pick one and use it.  The trackers don't care what port you use,
though many underground trackers ban the "standard" one.


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