[geeks] Special skills draft?

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Fri Sep 24 09:19:50 CDT 2004

On Fri, 24 Sep 2004, Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

> 1.
> 1a.
> 2.
> 3.
> 4.


> 5.  generally opposes Planned Parenthood,

Not good.  PP does far more than perform abortions.  They make
contraception available to women who'd have a hard time getting it
otherwise, thus helping to curb the problem with overpopulation and
unwanted children -without- killing anything.

> To me, one of the saddest things about American politics is how the
> Repubs often stand up for the right things (support of Israel,

This particular "right thing" is a big part of why the Mid East is such
a collossal clusterfsck right now.  We're picking sides and handing out
guns in a situation that -doesn't even involve us-.

I couldn't really care less about either political part right now.
They've both come so far from their bases that they're practically

The Democrats want me to do what they say because it's the socialist
thing to do, but the Republicans want me to do what they say because it
reflects their convenient view of Christianity at the current point in
time.  The Democrats want to take my money and spend it on folks who
slack off all day for some reason or another; the Republicans want to
take my money and spend it on policing the world to conform to our
rather arbitrary standards of human rights.  The Democrats oppose free
political speech by advocating "campaign finance reform" and other such
drivel; the Republicans have "free speech zones".

Neither party wants to secure the borders, because both parties can buy
the votes of the illegal aliens with promises of free healthcare, jobs,
etc.  Neither party wants to usefully address the collapsing Ponzi
scheme that is social security.  Neither party has any sort of grip on
the expansion of government or the spending thereof.  Both parties are
bought out by industry (D: media, R: oil, both: tobacco) and support
greater expansion of corporate powers.

Either way I get screwed.

That's why I vote Libertarian.

Jonathan Patschke )
Elgin, TX        (  "Ma'am, I can do anything.  I own a game store."
USA               )             --Gord ( http://www.actsofgord.com )

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