[geeks] Special skills draft?

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Fri Sep 24 10:13:56 CDT 2004

On Sep 24, 2004, at 10:19, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

>> Repubs often stand up for the right things (support of Israel,
> This particular "right thing" is a big part of why the Mid East is such
> a collossal clusterfsck right now.  We're picking sides and handing out
> guns in a situation that -doesn't even involve us-.

Actually, I believe it does involve the U.S.  Until the end of the Cold 
War, the balance of power in the Middle East reflected the tension felt 
between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R., beginning in 1962, with Kennedy's 
sale of HAWK anti-aircraft missiles to Israel in response to the 
Soviets providing Egypt with long-range bombers.

The escalation in arms sales by the U.S. to Israel was directly and 
clearly led by the fact that the Soviet Union had no interest 
whatsoever of limiting it's own sales in the region.

I believe the only way you could say it doesn't involve us would be if 
we could truly go back to the 1800's and maintain isolationist policies 
without being like the ostrich hiding it's head in the sand.  
Unfortunately, world political realities being what they are, it can 
come home to hurt us if we ignore what goes on in other parts of the 
world.  The lion still sees the ostrich.

> I couldn't really care less about either political part right now.
> They've both come so far from their bases that they're practically
> indiscernable.

I say the same thing every time someone asks me which one I am.

> That's why I vote Libertarian.

Yep, me too.


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