[geeks] Carly Fiorina to enter politics? This nation is doomed...

Joshua Boyd jdboyd at jdboyd.net
Tue Sep 14 09:38:42 CDT 2004

On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 09:41:37AM +0200, Jochen Kunz wrote:

> > > More and more Linux is becoming a synonym for UNIX.
> > > I really dislike this tendency.
> > UNIX is an API, toolset, and a set of assumptions and even a few
> > codified rules.
> \begin{nitpicking}
> That is Unix. UNIX is AT&T SysV. ;-)
> \end{nitpicking}

And where does one get AT&T SysV?  As one can't I think BSD is the next
purest thing, and NetBSD strikes me as the purest of the BSDs (unless
one really wants to go back 4.3 or somesuch).

But, I won't argue anymore about it with someone from NetBSD, or in

Just so long as you don't try to suggest that NT 3.51 is just as much
unix as anything else is.
> > It's not any one specific OS, and certainly not Solaris.
> Sure. Unix is more an idea, a paradigm, then a speciffic OS. But this
> idea is more and more reduced to Linux. Having more Solaris (AIX, HP-UX,
> Tru64, IRIX, ...) around would work against this tendency.
> Also common on many product descriptions: "Supports Linux and Unix."
> This is the kind of nonsense, that makes me "Grmbl".

Hey, it makes sense.  They are saying that their product will run on the
last AT&T release or Linux, and nothing else, right?

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