[geeks] Creator 3D graphics on a Sony 400PS

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sat Aug 7 21:37:18 CDT 2004

Sat, 07 Aug 2004 @ 19:49 -0500, Mike Hebel said:

> On Saturday, August 7, 2004, at 04:00 PM, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> >I have a Sun Ultra1 and since it has a Creator graphics card, I wanted
> >to boot it up in graphics mode to see how well this card does.
> >
> >I hooked the card up to the BNC connectors on the back of my Sony
> >Multiscan 400PS, which is supposed to sync almost anything, but
> >it doesn't work.
> >
> >I used a 13W3->BNC video cable that was sold as being for Sun video
> >cards.
> What you might have here my friend is a fixed-frequency monitor.  

It's a Sony _Multiscan_ 400PS.  It has both VGA and BNC inputs, and syncs
a wide range of input signals.

This thing has so far sync'd just about every signal I have ever sent to
it, including PC, SGI, and Mac video.

It's giving me a fit on Sun video though.

> currently run such a beast (Cornerstone 21") complete with BNC
> connectors on my Ultra 1 with Creator 3D.  I had to boot it up with a
> gumby monitor and then enter the commands:
> >setenv output-device=screen:r1600x1280x76m
> >reset
> At the OK prompt from a STOP-A before booting.

That's useful.  I forgot about being able to set the resolution.  It's
possible it's something oddball right now.

Are you sure about the = sign though?  

I have tried several different resolutions, no joy so far.

When I hit the menu button on my monitor, the signal is definitely out
of sync.

I have tried different combinations of horiz/vert on the connectors but
it seems to have no effect.

> Hope that helps.  If you need more info after consulting the FAQ let me 
> know and I'll set my U1 back up - it's currently down after being moved 
> to the garage.

If you have any other ideas, let me know.  I might play some more
tomorrow and this coming week.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["We are all of us in the gutter, some of us
looking at the stars." -- Oscar Wilde]

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