[geeks] was Re: [rescue] Re: right to die ...

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Jun 27 13:02:10 CDT 2003

On Friday, June 27, 2003, at 01:58 PM, Joshua D. Boyd wrote:

> I'm not particularly fat, but I don't fit within 1 seat on any airline
> I've flown with.  But if they plan to charge me extra when the person
> whose seat I'm "overflowing" into is Deb's, they've got another think
> coming.  I'll take a different airline.  Besides, do they actually give
> your two seats when they charge you for two seats?  I was under the
> impression they charged more, but put people next to you anyway.
> __

They give you two tickets.... and you can kick all the people you want 
out of the extra seat...

On our trip to the Bahamas Nancy was ready to do so...We had it so she 
took the isle on landing and take off...and I took the Window... and we 
were ready with our virtual "air" Diablo weapons... :-).


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