[geeks] Ping...

Mike Hebel nimitz at speakeasy.net
Tue Oct 29 15:07:18 CST 2002

Brian Dunbar wrote:

> >*ahem*  Do you really want a government organization to tell you how
> >much money you _have_ to send them? ;-)
> That's how it is done in Britain, and unless you are a small business
> owner, or have more than one job, it is rarely fucked up.
> That's how it should be.

> You guys really _trust_ your government, don't you?  I don't trust my
> company to get my payroll correct every month, and the payroll department is
> collection of dedicated Wisconsin Home Girls.  I can't imagine that level of
> trust in a faceless worker-bee somewhere.

Me neither - thus the original question.

Mike Hebel

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