[geeks] FBI vs. bandwidth thieves

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Thu Jun 27 21:52:11 CDT 2002

On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 08:59:19PM -0400, Michael A. Turner wrote:
> 	A funny scenario that always goes through my head when I hear about
> hardware seizures is them raiding my house goes something like this (not
> that they would, or need to but..)
> FBI guy: "Mr. Turner we have a warrant to search these premises and remove
> all computer and digital equipment."
> Me looking at ten guys and the van: " I hope you brought more people and a
> truck or this is going to take all week."
> FBI guys eyes bugging out of his head when lead into the computer storage
> area: "Central we are going to need backup, send everyone!".
> 	And I don't even have a lot of stuff compared to some list members.
> Gotta be a bitch when you are their to seize all equipment and the guy has
> not one but two main frames....

Well, I wouldn't wish it on Dave M. or Sridhar, but I'd love to see
the looks on the officers faces if they ever were order to sieze all
computer equipment.

Joshua D. Boyd

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