[geeks] Re: Hot Climates (was: The word BRITISH and FOOD Do not belong

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Mon Apr 15 13:52:17 CDT 2002

On Mon, 15 Apr 2002, Eric Dittman wrote:

> > Hundreds of dogs, cats, etc die every year because their damn owners lock
> > them outside or IN FSCKING CARS.
> >
> > Uh-oh, I've opened up yet another sore topic with me...
> That's a sore topic with me, too.  One time when my wife and I were
> getting into our car after visiting a museum he noticed a pickup
> with a dog inside.  The windows were slightly cracked, and there
> was some shade, but it was still hot (we had just gotten into our
> car, which also had the windows slightly cracked and some shade,
> and it was still hot).

I've seen this sort of thing too many times. Max spent his first summer
outside--he'd reached the rip/snort/tear stage by summer. Although he
seemed to not mind the heat (he deals with it by sleeping in the pool of
water next to the air-conditioning condenser)and he refused to come
indoors, about once a day he took a flying cannonball leap into our pool
and swam around a bit.

This year he's been spending most of his time indoors or in the garage under
the A/C. He went from rip-snort-tear to lazy, large, and sleepy.

As for the dogs-in-cars thing, well, a lot of people need to get some
brains and buy a convertible or leave their pets at home where it's safe for
them.  I even have problems with folks who put their dogs in the back of
their trucks around here--the way most Texans drive it's just not safe. I
know when i drive Max to the vet he's pretty much hog-tied and seatbelted
to the frame of my car and i drive extraordinarily careful.


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