[geeks] (fwd) TOPS/SUN Flashbox and Flashcard

Bill Richman geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 30 09:54:28 CDT 2001

If you can help this guy out, please respond directly to him. =20

On Fri, 27 Jul 2001 16:37:56 -0400, "Frederick Scholl"
<freds at monarch-info.com> wrote:

>Hi,  Do you know where I can obtain products made by TOPS, a SUN =
subsidiary.  They made the Flashbox and Flashcard, products used for =
interconnecting macs and pcs.  They were popular around 1991.
>Regards,  Fred Scholl

Bill Richman
bill_r at inetnebr.com

Home of Fun with Molten Metal, technological
oddities, and the original COSMAC Elf=20
computer simulator!

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