[SunHELP] SPARC Server 20...

Michael Vang mvang at nc.rr.com
Mon Feb 11 02:21:40 CST 2002

I've been offered a SPARC Server 20 with 2x75MHZ CPUs (1MB each, I
think) and 2x2.1GB hard drives and the full-height CDROM...

It is NIB... Apparently it got put away and was never used...

The seller wants 250 bux for it... I've always wanted a quad SS20, just
for fun, but it looks like dual Ross 100MHZ MBus boards are priced a bit

Does this seem like a fair deal?

Also, does the NVSIMM only accelerate Prestoserve or does it accelerate
all disk I/O?

Thanks for the help!


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