[SunHELP] Shutting down ports...

William Enestvedt Will.Enestvedt at jwu.edu
Thu Feb 7 11:59:15 CST 2002

Well, the scripts in /etc/rc*.d contain scripts that will automatically
start and stop services when you server changes run levels (i.e., boots or
shuts down). Reading the scripts will tell you what they do; executing them
with the argument start or stop (i.e., './S80sendmail stop') ought to do the
trick for you right now, while changing the first character from a capital S
to a lower-case s (or anything else) will prevent a given script from runing
at boot, and changing the K will prevent it from running at shutdown. (For
what it's worth, normal use is the scripts in rc2.d plus rc3.d; you can read
about run levels elsewhere, like on the web or in The Purple Book.)
   Some people will say to disable anything you don't recognize, but when I
was getting the hang of this I read through the scripts before I killed the
services that they control. :7)
Will Enestvedt
Johnson & Wales University -- Providence, RI

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