[SunHELP] limit a users emailing via sendmail?

Adam Mazza adam at 68e.com
Mon Aug 26 09:32:21 CDT 2002

On Fri, 23 Aug 2002, Edward Chase wrote:

> Yes, I am aware that POP3 doesn't have anything to do with sending
> mail.  The more I think about this, it is a silly request.  I can basically
> send mail out as anybody using Eudora since there is no authentication when
> sending out mail.  Anyone could pretty much use any email address to send
> spam from; why are they worried about the user "x" account being used for
> spamming purposes...?

You can use sendmail with SASL so users have to authenticate to the SMTP
server. You do control via the access file what IPs can relay through the
mailserver, so atleast you have a trail to follow if one of your users is
sending spam.


Adam Mazza

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