[Sunhelp] Ugh. Please read.

Mark Sailer msailer at users.buoy.com
Fri Mar 31 09:13:34 CST 2000

	Your site has been invaluable to me in maintaining the many Sun      
machines I have worked on over the years.  Sun's attitude is          
despicable.  The firm I work on now on Wall St uses servers from      
another vendor.  Myself and a few others have been pushing to move to 
and convert everything to Sun. There is some resistance, but people   
are seeing the light. BUT, if this is Sun's way of dealing with the   
Sun Community, I might have second thoughts.  Multiple orders of E10Ks
are in the queue and other multi million dollar orders could just be  
pointed to the other "H"igh "P"riced Vendor. It would be alot easier  
for me.  Oh, and since I can't get support for my personal Sun        
hardware, there is always the Intel platforms to move to.             
Your call SUN.  Wake up, No Support, No Customers!                    

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