[Sunhelp] Re: [SunRescue] BeOS 5 Personal Edition available

BSD Bob bobkey at weedcon1.cropsci.ncsu.edu
Wed Mar 29 11:58:38 CST 2000

> > OK, got it.  It looks like a .exe file, which doesn't smell very Unixy.
> > What can I do with it?  Where do I find out more about it, etc?
> > It only took about 5 minutes on my line to download.
> it needs to be installed/booted from a windows 95/98/2000/NT4 system. it reads
> its kernel from befs on a fat/ntfs partition. 2000 and NT4 require a boot
> floppy. pretty sick, huh.

Well, different.

I installed it on D: and it is booting now.  What the heck, anything
is better than NT.

It installed cleanly on drive D:, with minor bits on C:.
Requires 571mb to install.

Ohhhh, it has a nice login screen.....

Lessee if it won't choke the hardware.... it is polling it....

Wow.... the rodentia critter is zippy as the wind..... blows NT away....

The screen and windows look reasonable, and not as kludgy as gatesware....

Ahh, it won't grok me etherealnetworkingdevice.... oh, well.

It looks interesting, though, from a short trip through it.

It shutdown cleanly and rebooted gatesware.....

> it did some REALLY nasty stuff to the onboard ati video on my laptop.

Worked fine on my Gateway E4200 PIII/450/120mb box with 21'' screen.
Much zippier than gatewsare NT4....

> the version you can can buy from best buy or wherever can be installed without
> the use of a microsoft operating system. i'm not sure about the downloadable
> version.

I may have to try that on a home toy if I can figure out the networking

Thats my zwei pfennigs worth.

It is interesting, but now back to *nix......


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