[Sunhelp] A message from Amazon.com about my new Wish List

Kent Rankin krankin at usit.net
Sun Mar 19 06:35:19 CST 2000

> >       Why is it that the VAXBar suddenly is coming to mind?
> We can have the SPARCbar - maybe when the Starfire's get obsolete, we can use
> those for makeshift bars.

	Hey, I've got those 14x CS6400's available right now.  *grin*

	The only problem is that they(and the UE10k) don't have the
rack chassis style that the 11/780 did.
> >       As a beer note, has anyone ever had Turbo Dog Abita Gold?  Good lord...
> >recently had some and have been craving ever since.
> >
> Is that an import?  I'm still learning about different beers (runs in the family).

	Turbo Dog brewery, in New Orleans.  Emeril Lagasse endorses them on his
show on FoodTV all the time, and I finally had the chance to try it out
in New Orleans recently.  I immediately said, "This is not a beer for
This is a beer for cooking."  The stuff is almost black in color.  Quite
too.  Killer flavor, however.

	Still can't figure out a good use for SPARC gear for substance abuse,
however.  SPARC boxes just aren't superfluous enough.  I need something
lots of extra lines, liquid cooling, or the like.  Mind you, I could
a few SPARC's that run hot enough to sustain certain chemical reactions.

	You know, like I can't see a Sun Bar coming, but a SPARCVaporizer 20MP
would be entirely possible.  *LOL*  "eject cdrom" for a carb, hit the
control key on the type 5 to start it, and just run
"/usr/dt/bin/dtlogin" to
really raise the temperature.  

	I've got to stop this before it goes too far.  I already realize
that therapy is necessary, but I'd like to stop before they up the
Thorazine levels.  *grin*

							-Kent Rankin

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